Sunday, August 22, 2010

Varamahalakshmi vrata 2010

VaramahaLakshmi Vrata

( picture 1)



Varamalakshi Vrata is performed by married Ladies on friday in the month of shravana ( accoding to hindu calender).Vara means boon Lakshmi goddess of wealth and prosperity. This Vrata is celebrated in southern indian especially in karnataka, Andhrapradesh, tamilnadu,some parts of maharashtra.
This year Varamahalakshmi festival was on Ekadashi day , so only pooja was performed on friday and saturday early morning ( dwadashi )day naivedya is offered to the Goddess.
we dont have this vrata in my house , my Parents house they celebrate this vrata, my Brother (vinay katti) has forwarded the pictures which iam sharing with u all